Retained Neonatal Reflexes are automatic responses that we are born with that are needed for survival & development in the early months/1st year of life.
These originate from the brain stem (the most primal part of the brain) and become integrated as the higher functioning brain (cortex) develops and takes over to create conscious thought.
Failure of these reflexes to integrate can lead to interference to the normal functioning of the nervous system later in life.
Stress including birth trauma, chemical/toxic, environmental and emotional stress can contribute to an increased chance of the these reflexes being retained.
Some signs of retention in both children and adults include (but not confined to) hypersensitivity, social/learning difficulties, behavioural issues, anxiety/withdrawn, poor/delayed fine and gross motor skills, allergies, asthma, depressed immune function/chronic illness, sensory processing issues (hearing, touch, visual, hearing, balance/proprioceptive), speech articulation delays, poor manual dexterity (poor handwriting, trouble holding a knife and fork), poor reading skills, poor hand eye co-ordination, toe walking, hyper/hypo muscle tone, poor posture, digestive issues, trouble sitting still and bed wetting after 5 years of age.
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